Monday, September 28, 2009

Week Two: Grunge

1. Nauvoo Temple: 9-28-06; 4:15 pm; Nauvoo, Il; f/na; na; Canon Powershot SD300

2. Carpet: 1-28-08; 3:44 pm; Rexburg, Id; f/na; na; Canon Powershot SD300

3. Nauvoo Temple Grunge: To edit this photo I added a rusty brown fill layer and used the overlay blend mode. Then I changed the opacity to 39%. Next I opened the texture carpet picture and selected the green channel and layered it on top of the other image. The texture layer was also reduced to 28%. Last I added text using the horizontal type mask tool and added a drop shadow, bevel and emboss.

1. Martin's Cove: 4-10-06; 12:09 pm; Martin's Cove, Wy; f/na; na; Canon Powershot SD300

2. Hot Chocolate: 1-28-08; 3:41 pm; Rexburg, Id; f/na; na; Canon Powershot SD300

3. Martin's Cove Grunge: To edit this photo I added a rusty brown fill layer and used the overlay blend mode. Then I changed the opacity to 60%. Next I opened the texture hot chocolate picture and selected the green channel and layered it on top of the other image. The texture layer was also reduced to 60%. I added a hard light blend mode and last I added text using the horizontal type mask tool and added a drop shadow, bevel and emboss.


  1. I love the way your carpet texture looks on the Nauvoo temple. The circular pattern is perfect with the clouds. It really makes this look like an old photo. Beautiful work, Stevie! It's fun to have you in this class. :)

  2. I really like how you used the carpet texture too. The two pictures look great together. I also like the editing you used on the Martin's Cove photo. Editing made the grass colors pop. Great job.
